Kevin’s Project Homeless Burrito

Kevins Project Homeless Burrito

Kevin’s Project Homeless Burrito

When Kevin Burns became aware of the many homeless and hungry men, women, and animals in his sales patch through the COVID-19 crisis, he decided to do something about it.

His initial mission was modest. He called it Project Homeless Burrito. The idea came from left over burritos from a trip he took with his wife. Kevin, an ITG Brands sales representative in Phoenix, decided to donate those burritos to people in need.

From there, he started making a batch of burritos on the weekend and freezing them. He would put a frozen burrito on the dashboard of his car each morning and by mid-day, that burrito was thawed out and ready to be donated. Every day, Kevin would find someone in need, and he would graciously and respectfully offer the burrito. Most people would gladly accept the offer.

As the weeks went on and Kevin told his story to friends and family, people wanted to help him with his mission.  With generous donations of socks, energy bars, bottles of water, hand sanitizer and face masks, Kevin now assembles care packages on the weekend and donates on bag each day to someone in need. He even has doggie care packages for those he encounters with animals.

Phoenix, Arizona Division Manager Stacy Bradberry said: “Kevin always laughs and tells me that he is making deposits in the Bank of Karma. I believe he lives by the words of Maya Angelou who said: ‘I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver’.”